Improve the fit of your mask with plastic nose wire.

Improve the fit of your mask with plastic nose wire. Masks have become quintessential in our everyday life. Although vaccines are at rollout, it’s still not safe to step out without a mask. Possibly it would still take us years before we can return to life without masks. But while they are still very much in vogue, let’s not make that an obstruction in our everyday lives. Now that it’s been more than a year […]
Nose wires helping you keep your masks in place.

Nose wires helping you keep your masks in place. Hasn’t mask become the prerequisite of our fashion statement? Back in 2020 when face masks became a mandate people experimented profoundly with the kind of masks. Be it the Surgical mask, N95, cloth nose wires mask, Nose Strip, or innumerous other variants that arrived in the market after that, comfort slowly became the priority factor while choosing a face mask for everyday wear. But when we […]