
Viken Tape Limited

Earloop Elastics – An OKEO-TEX Certified Product By VikenTape

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Earloop Elastics – An OKEO-TEX Certified Product By VikenTape Last year has been pretty dramatic for each one of us. We were literally pulled from our small little everyday world to face this totally alien Virus that took the form of a pandemic. We all have our different COVID Stories to tell in the future. However, face mask elastic would be a common guest visitor in each of our tales. Probably as a villain, probably […]

Wear surgical and cloth masks together as Covid-19 variants spread, experts say

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Wear surgical and cloth masks together as Covid-19 variants spread, experts say As new, more transmissible variants of the coronavirus spread, experts say it’s time to consider using a medical-grade respirator or wearing a surgical and cloth mask together. Scientists have agreed for some time the main way the virus is spread is through the air, rather than surfaces, and there’s growing evidence that small droplets from ordinary breathing and speech that can travel many meters (yards) are a […]